Mercy from Heaven upon the orphans

יָתוֹם אַתָּה הָיִיתָ עוֹזֵר

Bar Mitzvah for the orphan Nakhman Marian.

A family with five children, orphaned from their mother

They need your help to celebrate Nakhman's Bar Mitzvah

After bravely battling a severe illness, the family’s mother passed away, leaving behind a husband and five orphans. The family, already facing daily challenges, now seeks your assistance to celebrate Nakhman’s Bar Mitzvah. Bringing joy to orphans is a precious mitzvah

לִשְׁפֹּט יָתוֹם וָדָךְ בַּל יוֹסִיף עוֹד לַעֲרֹץ אֱנוֹשׁ מִן הָאָרֶץ.

You can also donate any amount you choose

Your contribution of any amount is greatly appreciated and can be made through PayPal (including credit cards). Whether you choose to make a one-time donation or set up a recurring monthly contribution, your support is invaluable

For bank transfers, you can use the following details: Bank: Israel Postal Bank, Branch: Sha’arei Ge’ulah (001) Account Number: 29824942 Name: Eliyahu Marian”

To make a donation via Bit or PayPal, you can use the following phone number: 0585580148.